The Department of Theology & Biblical Studies (DTBS) exists to:
Educate every student in the foundational truth of God’s revealed word.
Equip every student with inspired and anointed instruction and sound biblical and supplemental resources.
Empower every student to apply their education to personal experience in order that they may fulfill their God-ordained ministry and calling.
Every course within the DOTBS is carefully designed to remain faithful to this mandate. Students within the DOTBS will be well-taught, adequately-trained, and sufficiently-tested to carry out their specific purpose and assignment within the Kingdom of God. In no way is the scholastic endeavor an end to itself. Conversely, every course and program of study is a bridge to a larger destination—to serve faithfully and excellently in the specific role and function that God has called each student to.

Check out a sample of a class you would take!