On behalf of our administration and faculty, I want to welcome you to Vision Christian Bible College & Seminary. As you will discover, we offer a unique, personalized learning experience that is practical in nature, biblically sound, local church oriented, and focused on educating and equipping men and women to carry out their God-ordained purpose for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
While we are a bible college and seminary, we do not view our role in the Kingdom as being “parachurch.” Rather, we are intricately woven into the fabric of God’s purposes for the church and desire to assist local church pastors, leaders, and their congregants in fulfilling the dream that God has placed inside of their hearts. In short, we are a Kingdom institution that is devoted to the success of the church. Providing degree programs and courses that lead students to an encounter with Jesus and an increased understanding of His heart and vision for their lives is a core aspect of why we exist. We fully believe that our programs will play a significant role in the fulfillment of each student’s academic and spiritual goals.
Our model for equipping and discipleship can be seen throughout the Book of Acts and specifically, the Church at Antioch. Here we see the restoration and transformation of lives, cities, and nations through the advancement of the Gospel of the Kingdom in the context of discipleship. This Spirit led movement is the desired goal for each member of our student population.
At VCBCS, we are compelled and commissioned to train, equip and release men and women to reach our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through our affiliate campuses and distant learning programs, we endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations….”
I am humbled and grateful for your interest in VCBCS. I invite you to dive deeper into what our school is all about and am confident you will find an institution that is dedicated to the advancement of God’s Kingdom and personally invested in the spiritual growth and development of every student. Whether you are called to a pulpit or a profession; a congregation or a career, we are here to prepare YOU for real purpose!
In His Service,
Christopher J. Romano, Ph.D.
President, Vision Christian Bible College & Seminary